Simple Log 2.0.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleLog
org.grlea.log Simple Log: the simple way to log.
(See this package's description for the documentation.) 
org.grlea.log.adapters.commons An adapter for using SimpleLog as the provider for Jakarta Commons Logging. 

Uses of SimpleLog in org.grlea.log

Methods in org.grlea.log that return SimpleLog
static SimpleLog SimpleLog.defaultInstance()
          Returns the default instance of SimpleLog.

Constructors in org.grlea.log with parameters of type SimpleLog
SimpleLogger(SimpleLog log, java.lang.Class sourceClass)
          Creates a new SimpleLogger for the specified Class that will log to, and be configured by, the provided SimpleLog.
SimpleLogger(SimpleLog log, java.lang.Class sourceClass, java.lang.Object instanceId)
          Creates a new SimpleLogger for the specified Class that will log to, and be configured by, the provided SimpleLog.
SimpleLogger(SimpleLog log, java.lang.Class sourceClass, boolean useLongName)
          Creates a new SimpleLogger for the specified Class that will log to, and be configured by, the provided SimpleLog.
SimpleLogger(SimpleLog log, java.lang.Class sourceClass, java.lang.Object instanceId, boolean useLongName)
          Creates a new SimpleLogger for the specified Class that will log to, and be configured by, the provided SimpleLog.

Uses of SimpleLog in org.grlea.log.adapters.commons

Methods in org.grlea.log.adapters.commons with parameters of type SimpleLog
static void CommonsLoggingAdapter.setLog(SimpleLog simpleLog)

Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Graham Lea. All rights reserved.